- Axians ‐ NK Networks & Services GmbH, Hamburg
- bartmann GmbH, Speyer
- euNetworks GmbH, Frankfurt
- Fackel GmbH, Oftersheim
- HNO‐Verbund Sachsen e. V., Dresden
- MHI GmbH, Oftersheim
- MKM Marketing Institute Europe, Lenggries/München
- Neuweg Production GmbH, Munderkingen
- Schlosserei Schultz GmbH, Plankstadt
- St. Thomas e. V. , Schwetzingen
- General Surgery and Hand Surgery, Ludwigshafen
- processline GmbH, Speyer
- University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau
- vbe Kamm GmbH, Ettlingen
- Westphalia Wilhelms University, Münster
We are happy to discuss the targets and objectives for these projects in more detail with
you, if needed.