Our official ISO 9001: 2008 certification did end in May 2014. Our high demands on the quality of our service not.
Still today, we are only satisfied when our customers are satisfied. Our processes are still following the principles which we have elaborated through the ISO 9001: 2008 Certification. And, of course, you can still adress subsidies from the European Social Fund.
Therefore we use our strategic partnership with Baden-Württemberg Connected e.V. (bwcon).
This strategic partnership has still the following advantages for our customers:
- We work with defined processes and procedural instructions
- This strategic partnership enables our customers to address subsidies from the European Social Fund (ESF)
And engaged within the forum Gute Führung and Offensive Mittelstand.
Quality is for us also at the top concerning horse assisted training. Therefore we have decided to follow the defined standards and the voluntary commitment of EQPferd – Qualität für pferdegestützte Personalentwicklungsmaßnahmen e. V..
This connection has following advantages for our customers:
- Ensure acknowledged competence of trainer and supplier
- Ensure a “protected training area”
- Comply the principles of the professional adult education and personnel development
- Ensure the didactical-educational competencies of trainer and supplier
- Ensure that the trainer and supplier works with health, balanced, well-mannered and reliable horses
- Ensure that the trainer and supplier have a specialized cividl liability insurance
(Source: www.eqpferd.de/standards.php)