To take responsibilty for us means to be responsible beyond our customer relations!
Interculturality and equal opportunities are the red threat within our social commitment. My family and I support children and juveniles from low-income families in Jalandhar/Punjab, India since 1996.
These families are not able to effort the school fees for there children. Especially when the father died or he is only able to generate a low-income as a day labourer, taxi driver or rikshaw-driver. Very often these families have many mouth to feed and are therefore not able to let all there children have an education because they have to contribute to the family income.
My family – especially my father – has started a purely privatly financed and organized project. His motivation has been to give back his economic success which he could generate in Germany due to his good education and qualification.
He started in 1996 to support 20 boys at the Lhabu Ram Doaba Sr. Sec. School, the school where he used to go. He payed the school fee but also required purchases like for example a bicycle or the school uniform.
Due to my initiative we support since 2006 also 20 girls at the elementary school of the Lhabu Ram Doaba School and also 20 girls at the S. D. Phullarwan Girls Sr. Sec. School.
Since we started the project we achieved the following:
- sufficient lightning and ventilation in the class rooms
- emergency power for the Labhu Ram Doaba Sr. Sec. School
- set up of a computer class room to offer the mandatory computer classes
- set up of a library
Each year one member of our family is visiting the school project to make sure that the spent money is really reaching the children and juveniles!
My contribution to this project is the waiving of christmas cards and presents for customers. That amount goes directly into this project. I also visit the schools regularly by myself to look after the children.
We are very pleased that our responsibility has been acknowledge by the federal state of Baden-Württemberg by awarding the certificate of our social engagement.